Be Creative With Unique Knitting Patterns

By Donna Adams

Knitting has always been associated with old ladies like your granny, who would make rather boring items like bed socks or tea cozies. In recent years the craft has seen a revival among younger people, though, and this new generation of knitters has added a good dose of fun. In addition to instructions for stylish knitwear or those ugly seasonal sweaters grannies love to make, there are now unique knitting patterns for almost any item you can think of, even knit sandwiches.

When you first learn to knit, you will probably start by making a scarf. It's an easy project that allows you to practice. The problem is that forming the same stitches over and over again can become boring. To keep things fun and interesting, use yarn of different colors. Make a sky scarf, for instance, by using yarn in the color of the sky outside and then changing it as the weather changes. A mood scarf is a similar concept where you change the color of the yarn to reflect your current mood.

You can also turn the art of knitting into a game. It's a bit like those drinking games where you watch the presidential debate on TV and drink a shot of tequila every time a candidate says a certain phrase. The game for knitters involves changing the color of your yarn instead of drinking.

Another way to have fun with yarn and needles is the practice known as guerilla knitting or yarn bombing. This involves covering an object in something knitted and colorful. It can be a tree or a lamppost or a bicycle. Yarn bombers have even covered buses, tanks and mailboxes. If you want to do something a little more practical, make socks for your furniture so that their legs won't damage the floor.

A warm hat is essential when temperatures drop and making your own is another quick and easy project. Of course you can stick to a pattern for a stylish hat but adding an element of silliness will show that you love a good laugh. Make a hat with a fake beard that will protect your face from the cold or add floppy ears or dreadlocks to a regular hat.

Animals generally don't like being dressed up but there are times when they need the extra warmth. Rescue animals, especially baby animals, can benefit from little sweaters to keep them snug, as can sheep just after they have been shorn. There have been knitters who made sweaters for penguins after an oil spill, since washing the oil off these birds also removes the natural grease that keeps them protected against the cold.

Knit toys are a great way to bring joy to children's lives. A fluffy teddy is always popular but you can always let your imagination soar and create a knit octopus instead. A doll in the form of a zombie or a troll will also delight young and old alike.

A great place to look for patterns and ideas is online. You will even find step-by-step instructions for making unique knit items. As you get better at knitting, you'll soon be able to design your own pattern too.

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